This exceptional piece was inspired by my partner. The number 138 has always held a special significance to her, symbolizing the phrase "I love you." The 3 words, 8 letters and 1 meaning are where the number gains its significance. Every time she sees these numbers, whether it is on a clock, a house number, or anywhere else she believes it to be a sign that she is on the right path and connected to the divine. This piece was created using those numbers in all aspects of the design so that it could be a physical representation of that feeling of love and connection. I also incorporated the 6 pointed star of the heart chakra to further the symbolic power of love within the piece.
Made with a laser cutter using quarter-inch birch plywood which is then hand stained and glued together.
Every piece will vary slightly in color due to the use of natural materials.
I will make a donation to plant a tree for each sculpture sold with One Tree Planted. Help fight deforestation by buying art!